More about Fello Flo

How safe is the invested money ? Who is the money lent to ?
Your funds are safe and secure with our lending partner, LENDBOX. To safeguard the investments, a lender's money is distributed across borrowers who are...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 4:34 PM
How does Lendbox (P2P Lending partner) manage the risk of default on my money ?
Lendbox follows a robust credit assessment policy to bring only the most creditworthy borrowers to the platform. They categorize the borrowers by risk and a...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 4:37 PM
What happens to my money after maturity ?
All investments done in Fello flo premium plans will be moved to fello wallet post maturity, where in users can continue getting returns upto 8%. Also, an o...
Fri, 24 May, 2024 at 10:57 AM
How is maturity different from a lock-in ?
You can withdraw your money at any point post the end of a lock-in period. In case of maturity, you need to decide before hand if your money can be re-inves...
Fri, 24 May, 2024 at 10:58 AM
Can I withdraw my money before maturity from the asset ?
NO !. Currently we do not have the option for pre-mature withdrawal of funds. Hence, withdrawals would be available post maturity
Fri, 24 May, 2024 at 11:02 AM